InfraMarker Mobile App

Powerful mobile app for real-time asset management.


Achieve true location intelligence

  • The InfraMarker® mobile app is an easy-to-use field collection tool that connects to powerful, flexible cloud-based asset management software. Accurate asset verification and location sharing is connected in real-time through the InfraMarker asset management software. The InfraMarker app links the RFID-marked physical assets to robust data, providing complete ground-to-cloud location intelligence.

    This connected gateway to the field links virtually unlimited data, such as inspection forms, location verification, audit history and image to a specific physical location. Field crews can quickly master the app so they can be writing tags and geo-locating assets in minutes.

  • Marking and managing of infrastructure assets, including

    • Stormwater asset management - catch basins, fire hydrants

    • Gas, electric or other utility marking

    • Fiber junction box and man/hand hole access

  • • Works on any iOS or Android

    • Exports field data to GIS or directly to InfraMarker Software

    • Designed to work with InfraMarker tags and readers

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Build your RFID network.

  • Tag - IMCRB100 - Curb Marker

  • MicroBox

    High-performance design for utility marketing and portable compatibility.

  • Tag - IM221B

    Designed for harsh environments, the IM221B is optimal for underground infrastructure marking such valves, junctions, cable, and pipe.